One of Our Favorite Days of the Year!!
As soon as we got off work today we headed out to Kyle & Julie Smithwick's to buy our show lambs for the next year. We look forward to this day every year. Ron loves looking through all the lambs, Karli & Nolan love dreaming of what the next show season could hold, Whitni enjoys going and remembering when she was showing, and I enjoy being with my family doing what we love to do.
When we got home to unload the lambs Lexi was waiting patiently for her new lambs. Don't be fooled she'd love to chase them. That is her job in this operation. She runs and chases them to exercise them and build up their muscles.
Look at the rumps on these babies. That is what the judge will be looking at.
Here are their faces. We ended up with 3 finewools and 4 crosses.
We even got a "new" without ears! Isn't this the funniest thing to be seen. We are going to give this a whirl and see what happens. I can just imagine what everyone is going to be saying about our earless lamb.
No...Really this lamb ate something in the pasture that made his ears swell up and fall off. Karli and Nolan are already arguing over who's going to get to show him.
Here's what they have to say about the next show season.
When we got home to unload the lambs Lexi was waiting patiently for her new lambs. Don't be fooled she'd love to chase them. That is her job in this operation. She runs and chases them to exercise them and build up their muscles.