The Sauer Spiel

My Photo
Location: San Angelo, Texas

I'm a wife and a mom to 2 daughters and 1 son. I like to read, golf, and support my kids in all their activities.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Wonderful Day of Thanks

Our Thanksgiving was a super laid-back day. We spent the day at Patti & Bill's. We brought PawPaw over for the celebration.He enjoyed the excitement and the food, especially the lemon meringue pie that I made him. I had heard it was his favorite. We didn't have a shortage of food, that's for sure.

And this was after everyone had finished...look what was left. We had everyone's favorites.

And the desserts were plentiful. After lunch everyone settled to their "spots."

After a while PawPaw decided he wanted to go back to Myrtlewood, to his bed, for his nap. We loaded him up and took him back and tucked him into his comfy bed.
Around 5 everyone decided to go back for round 2. We went over to Myrtlewood to see if PawPaw wanted to came back for supper and he did, so he had a second go at the goodies.
All day I remembered Thanksgivings from years past and was so thankful for all the good family memories I have to cherish. Love to all!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Re-Model Update

We are actually a little further along than these pictures represent. We now have all appliances in place and the counter top has been partially installed. It should be completed before Thanksgiving. Here is what my cabinets look like. They are hickory and I am in love with them. I really like the wood grain and character they have.

This is the livingroom after the tile was laid and before I painted. The new paint color is real close to the previous.

And this is the dining room before paint.

This is a close up of my floor tile.
We put it throughout the house except for the bedrooms. We replaced the carpet. Nolan got chocolate brown carpet and Karli's room and Mine & Ron's have a tan/beige frizze carpet.
Ron worked all day yesterday to get the bathroom tile finished. He and I are about to start painting it this morning. We are so ready to have this completed. We are on the downhill end and can see the end in sight. We are both worn OUT!!!

Miss Brooke Comes to Visit

About 5 years ago Ron and I began asking around church for a young college girl who would be interested in picking Nolan up from school and staying with him until we got home from work. A precious girl answered our ad. Stephanie entered our lives and not long after that...our hearts, especially Nolan's. Both Nolan & Karli were in her wedding.

She and Tell, her sweet husband, now live in the DFW area and we don't get to see them as often as we would like, but they came to visit a couple of weeks ago. They brought a VERY special guest with them to meet us....Miss Brooke.

We all enjoyed getting to know her, especially Nolan.

Ron even refreshed his memory on what it's like to hold a newborn.

Miss Brooke was loved on and enjoyed by all. Whitni even came by to "get her baby fix". Nothing is more precious than a baby. Thanks Tell & Stephanie for bringing your sweet girl to meet us. We LOVED having you in our home (again, like old times) even though it was kinda messy from the remodel.