Our "New" Bedroom
I really am in love with my new bedding. I love red!! I found it in the 50% off area at Dillard's. My mom bought the bedspread for an early birthday gift for me & Ron.
I found this cool wall art at Kohl's in Abilene when Mom, Whitni and I went to visit Camp & Cash (Shirla & Nicole, too). I had my heart set on the the saying "Always kiss me goodnight." But when Whitni found this one (Just one lifetime won't be enougth for us) it was one I hadn't seen before, so that made it perfect. I even had new pictures of everyone to put on my "picture wall". Whitni had made me this collage of engagement pictures for Christmas and we had family pictures made for our church's pictorial directory late last summer.
Whitni made me a really cool sign to put in the middle of them. We had gone shopping to find something and couldn't find one anywhere. So she went to Michaels for the paper and made it herself. Decorating on a budget can be really special.
Without Whitni's help I would still be painting. Thanks bunches Whit!!