Many years ago on a Saturday afternoon Ron and I took all 3 kids to the Humane Society to adopt a dog. We had decided the girls and Nolan (who was only 2 months old) needed a dog to grow up with. As we were walking up and down the rows and rows of dogs there was a cage with a Border Collie/Blue Heeler cross sitting in the back of her cage with a sign that said, "TIMID - May Bite." As we walked by Karli stopped, the dog barked and Karli cried so I thought that dog was out of the question. We found another dog that was a male Border Collie (and it's a known fact that my family LOVES Border Collies) that both girls thought was the one. Karli told Ron about the dog that scared her and he asked to see the dog. To make a long story short it was love at first sight for Ron and the barking dog. We were warned numerous times that the dog might bite and was not recommended for a house with small children. Ron was positive that this was the newest member of our family. That was 14 years ago.
We all grew to love Angel, especially Karli who became Angel's little girl. It didn't matter who was in the back yard with her she would ALWAYS follow Karli. The bond grew as time went on. Whenever Karli went out the backdoor Angel was so excited to see her "little girl." Angel played "soccer" (fetch with a collapsed soccer ball) until we were too tired to throw the ball, she went to the ranch with us, she even got the pleasure of being allowed in Pop's house. When we would go to the ranch instead of staying with us she would sneak to my grandfather's house and sit on his porch until he would open the door for her to go in and lay at his feet. She was definately a valued member of our family.
Today Angel grew her wings like a true angel. Our family is heartbroken and sad, especially Karli, but thankful for all the wonderful days and nights of play we had with our sweet girl. She has left some mighty big pawprints for Lexi and Kalli to fill.