The Sauer Spiel

My Photo
Location: San Angelo, Texas

I'm a wife and a mom to 2 daughters and 1 son. I like to read, golf, and support my kids in all their activities.

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Trip to the Ranch

The day after Christmas Ron, Karli and I decided to load up and head to our ranch. Karli hadn't been able to go with us so with her having the weekend off we decided to take advantage of the time off.
She and Ron went out night calling and it was VERY cold, so this is what Karli looked like before leaving the trailer. Kinda like a camo snowman.
The next morning she talked me into saddling up one of the horses for her to ride. She and Leo struck out to take a look at the fence lines. She hadn't riden in about 5+ years.

She came back all smiles....I guess the fence was still standing. ha ha
She then decided that momma needed to try riding Leo. I spent a good hour checking the world out from a familiar viewpoint. It's a view that I really enjoy and wish I had more opportunities to see. Looking at the world on horseback is something I've always enjoyed.
I haven't lost my touch. Leo and I had a blast together. It was a perfect day to take a ride. It was little cold, but the sun was shining and I had on plenty of clothes.
I left Leo at the barn with a good-bye snack. He was most appreciative of the handful of feed. Good Bye, Leo...Save me another ride for down the road.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Please remember the O'Briant Family in your prayers. They were involved in an automobile accident on their way to visit out of town family for Christmas this morning. There are injuries and the family is in different towns being treated. Please pray for our friends!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

It snowed here this morning for a while. Nolan had fun playing with Lexi and Kalli in the snow.At lunchtime we headed over to Myrtlewood to have lunch with Pawpaw. We took him Chik-fil-a and as a treat we had ice cream for dessert.
He said it was fun to have a party in his room.
After lunch we tucked him in for his nap.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Visiting PawPaw

When we visited PawPaw last night he was very interested in the weather. We told him that it was cold, dreary, rainy and that the weatherman had missed the forcast. Patti then told him that yesterday was December 7 and asked if he remembered what day that was. He shook his head no and she told him it Was Pearl Harbor Day. The conversation then turned into a "remember when" listing:
  • We asked him where he was when Pearl Harbor was bombed and he told us he was in California in the Army. With a little help he remembered it was Camp Callan in San Diego. He said he liked to watch the ocean waves at the beach.
  • Mom and Patti asked if he remembered when he and Mawmaw took their whole family to California and camped along the way in a LITTLE travel trailer in the summer of 1962.
  • While they were on the California camping trip they saw a family who went to bed real early and Mawmaw said, "They went to bed with the chickens." and Shirla replied, "They have chickens in there?!"
  • Mom remembered going to visit Harvey and Maybelle and taking a bath in a washtub. She asked him if he'd ever taken a bath in wash tub...he replied, "we used a #2" then he laughed.

When we were laughed out and it was time for us to go home he told us, "Parties like this are good to remember." He is so right, it's good to remember when. Have a blessed rest of the week.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 4

One year ago today a very special person to me took flight to Jesus. I have missed her bunches. She had a special way with babies and taught me alot about how to care for my babies. She could answer any question I had about a recipe or could tell me how to make anything. One of my fondest memories was that on a Saturday before Christmas each year we (MawMaw, Mom and any of my aunts who were around) would make candy. Peanut Brittle, Peanut Patties, Pralines, and Fudge, the whole nine yards. It meant that Christmas was just around the corner. She didn't need a candy thermometer to tell her when it was done. She could look at it or put a small drop in a cold cup of water to see if it was ready.

This special person was my Mawmaw. My mother's mother...almost like my 2nd mother. She would smile when she told the story that when I was a little girl I was staying with my grandparents and I started calling her Mama and she changed it to Mawmaw.

I was truly blessed by God to be given both of my grandmothers. I have had a special relationship with each one AND I have been able to enjoy each of them for many years. There are not too many people that can say that they were in their 40's and was still able to spend time with their grandparents. I will spend today remembering and missing my MawMaw. I know without a doubt that she is in the presence of God!

Save me a spot, Mawmaw...I love you!