2009 TG County Junior Livestock Show
The beginning of Stockshow season is kicked off with our County Stockshow. As you read in my earlier post we had some GREAT hope of placing some lambs high in their weight classes. We began by literally "hitting the wall". That is what we call it when the judge walks by and looks at the lamb and motions for it to move to the wall. That means he doesn't want to see it anymore. Nolan "hit the wall" early in the morning. We were bummed to say the least.
Karli got a 2nd place in the lightweight crossbred class.
Then they went head to head in the heavy-lightweight and Nolan came in with a 4th place and Karli came in with 2nd place.
We were feeling better about ourselves at this point. Karli & Nolan both were showing their hearts out. Ron and I were so proud to watch their intesity and focus. Then came the Southdown division. They went head to head in the lightweight class. Nolan came up with 2nd place and Karli came up with 1st place. With those placing both of them got to take their lambs to the Breed Championship drive. To our excitement Karli and her lamb came in as CHAMPION SOUTHDOWN!!