Our Christmas was super special this year. We were all together and that's what it's all about

The Sunday before Christmas we made candy. It's aways a fun time. We made Peanut Patties, Peanut Brittle, Pecan Pralines, and Martha Washington candy. For me it's a "sign" that Christmas is getting near when the candy is made. During my growing up years my MawMaw, mother and my aunts would get together and make batches and batches of these candies. It's a sign of Christmas.

Peanut Brittle is my favorite. :)

We even got Karli in on the action.

Here we are doing all our jobs.

This year was extra special because our family has/will increase by 2!!! Heath proposed to Whitni on Christmas Eve. We are all so excited to include them into the Sauer Family!!!

We think the world of Heath and it's definately easy to love Tagun. From this time forward Ron and I will be known as G-Daddy and Honey. Those are names that make my heart smile. Never knew being a grandparent could be this fun!! Here's prayers that your 2011 is blessed!!