The Sauer Spiel

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Location: San Angelo, Texas

I'm a wife and a mom to 2 daughters and 1 son. I like to read, golf, and support my kids in all their activities.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Karli's Birthday

Thursday, November 27, will be the day that everyone in America will be celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday. I will be doing that also, but I will also be reliving in my memory November 27, 1991. That was the day that God blessed Ron and I with Karli Kay. We should have known from the moment that she entered the world, to the sounds of Elvis Presley's Jailhouse Rock on the radio, that our world would literally ROCK!

She was a happy baby....she was a mischievious baby....and

She could be a grumpy baby. But as you can see she almost always had/has a smile on her face. She also is the one of our children who has the most nicknames. Some of which she likes and some she wrinkles her nose at.

She makes me laugh....I laugh when she laughs (if you could hear her laugh you'd know why). She is a true gift from God. I can't believe that 17 years have gone by.

She has a love for animals and is growing to be a very beautiful young lady.

Happy Birthday Karli - KK - Kay - Fred - Katiebug - BumblyPedFred - Skunk. It doesn't matter what anyone calls you, you will ALWAYS be Mommy's "BabyGirl."