October 9, 1987 is probably just another day in history to most folks, but to me it is a VERY special day. It was a Friday....it was sunny and windy in Big Spring, TX. There are so many details in my memory......It's the day that Whitni Lynn came into my world.
After 38 (yes you read that right) hours of labor, she came on her terms and on her own timeable. I should have known then that she would be a force to be reckoned with. She is my first born, my trial & error baby. We all have them, they came before their siblings to teach us how to be parents. She always had a clean face and hands, because I nearly wiped them off.

She always had a bow on her head because she didn't have any hair and I was afraid people would think she was a boy.
We formed a close bond quickly. It's a bond that will stand the test of time (I hope). As I have looked back I can't believe that 21 years have come and gone. She was a baby just yesterday...
And today she is a grown woman with a house and husband all her own. I hope her special day is all she has thought it would be.... and that her car insurance goes down!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WHIT.....MOMMY LOVES YOU!!!