The Sauer Spiel

My Photo
Location: San Angelo, Texas

I'm a wife and a mom to 2 daughters and 1 son. I like to read, golf, and support my kids in all their activities.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nolan's Special Decision

Last Sunday Ron baptised Nolan. It was very special to watch my husband baptise our son.

Stephanie's Wedding

Four years ago Stephanie Brown came into our family. She wasa college student at ASU and she saw the note I left on the board at the Christian Campus Center asking for someone who was interested in picking Nolan up at schoo and staying with him until Ron and/or I got off work. Stephanie was a true God send to us. She helped Nolan with his homework and took him for ice cream frequently. She became a part of our family.

On August 23rd she and Tell were married in Brownwood. Karli was one of her bridesmaids and Nolan was the ring bearer/jr. groomsman. She was a very beautiful bride and we wish her and Tell many years of happiness and love. We love you, Steph.